Inner Self

From being a techie to a homemaker, life had been full of ups and downs. I always enjoyed in the company of people but my soul was always afraid of the crowd around. I am a very soft person by heart and not contended with few aspects of Life. I am diligent towards maintaining relations, at the same time the fear of losing them worries me. This is about the timid, dark side of me. Else my folks find me jovial by nature.
The recent times have brought a lot of change in myself. My persona has transformed back to the one I was seven years back. Simple, Calm, Spiritual and not religious woman.
So the change began recently when I tried to contemplate the life of few individuals around me. I discovered that every moment, every minute of your Life is not the way you want it always. Sometimes you have to wait and wait before the gratification imparts inside you.  There is a simple quote –
“Happiness is like a butterfly: the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder”
So following this new mantra, I am in a state of bliss. Focusing on positive energies for recreation.  Yoga and Meditation have given a new shape to my inner self.
I will keep you posted with my findings for a better essence in Life.


Unknown said…
Very well said Deepti. And awesome explanation of happiness. keep it up.

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