The other woman vs your own man
What makes a
female so hushed in life that she is not able to convey the world around her and
control the negative bang of the so
called ‘The Other Woman’ in her life?
Alas the other woman is actually not the
secondary woman however it becomes primary in the husband’s life. Is this
happens because the victim is a timid soul or is it because she is not able to
just control her husband’s deeds? Nature has made the woman recessive consciously,
however just the opposite are the actual and this is what is aimed in the thread
from Rudyard Kipling’s poem “the female of the species is more deadly than the
I have
encountered few such women is real life and that has nothing to do with the
existence of these females. All of them are beautiful, simple and modest from
One was three
generations back when the Indian society treated husbands as the lord of the
house and the decision maker. The best part was she did everything to make the
other woman not to chase her partner but all in vein and the worst part was she
couldn’t cease her husband to make this terminate. Life goes on and so did
theirs. Nothing changed, nothing happened for good. Things got just awful and
the era of betrayal, disloyalty, misery ended with their death only.
Another lady
in question is someone from the Generation X. Who is not able to do anything
just for the sake of her kids, the society and the fear of living all alone. To
add to her grief the boorish husband treats her badly in front of his
girlfriends and with every new girl brought in his life, considers all the
discussions as merely allegations and feeling of insecurity from his wife. Even his own mother is not able to control him from not hurting his wife. She is merely able to console her daughter in law.
What a pity
on the uncultured reasoning and the notion of his mind..Who is to be blamed now
the other woman or the man? As the history repeats and it’s the woman who is
regarded wrong...and man keeps on growing as dominant.